Stand with Ukraine
Support freedom and peace in Europe
The brave men and women of Ukraine are on the front lines of freedom, defending their homeland against unprovoked aggression.
While European governments strive to provide support, their efforts are often delayed.
The need is urgent. The time to act is now.
As citizens of Europe, we cannot wait. We have the power to stand in solidarity and make a direct impact by supporting Ukraine's defenders with the resources they need to protect their country and our shared values of peace and democracy.
This includes the purchase of essential military equipment such as protective clothing, communications equipment and, yes, weapons. The funds we provide will be donated directly to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, giving them what they need to fight back effectively and protect their homeland.
Working together, our collective support can really make a difference. This is not just Ukraine's fight - it is a fight for Europe's future, for freedom and for justice.
Join us in taking action. Together we can help Ukraine resist, recapture occupied territory, protect and rebuild. Donate today and show the world the power of European solidarity.
How to Donate
Your donation will be directly transferred to the bank account of the Ukraine’s Armed Forces
Check here to see to which trusted bank account your donation is going to
Click below on the flag of your country for the webpage in your language
Every donation counts,
no matter the size
National Bank of Ukraine
IBAN DE05504000005040040066
PURPOSE OF PAYMENT: for ac 47330992708
BANK ADDRESS: Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main, Germany

United we stand,
divided we fall

© 2024 Europe for Ukraine